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We’ll Help You Navigate
the Halls of Power

For Political Candidates

For Corporations

For Issue Advocacy Organizations

Public Affairs

Crisis Communications

Political Intelligence


Direct Mail

Digital Strategy

Campaign, IE, 501C4 Management & Consultation

Strategic Partnerships & Relationship Building

Coalition & Association Management

Ready to Accomplish Your Goals?

Josh’s leadership over the efforts to flip the Kentucky State House was critical for our 2016 successes. His strategic approach and relentless implementation were two of the key ingredients that contributed to Republicans flipping our State House and building a supermajority.

Jonathan Shell
Former Majority Leader, Kentucky State House

Josh isn’t just a guy that has great ideas, he’s a guy that can help develop an overall strategy. Out of over 40,000 votes cast in the Republican primary, we won by a margin of 17 votes against two established politicians. I’m Mayor today because of the strategies Josh helped our team implement.

Glenn Jacobs
Mayor, Knox County, TN

Our successful campaign to enshrine right-to-work in the Tennessee Constitution couldn’t have happened without the expertise of the Parthenon team. They crafted a winning message and executed a flawless strategy that allowed us to garner a historic 70% of the vote across party lines.

Justin Owen and Jim Brown
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